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Coach Burrill's Class Syllabus

AP CS Principles Syllabus

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AP Test Information

Section I: End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Exam- Wednesday May 15th, 2024 at 12pm in the WR Gym.

70 Multiple-Choice Questions | 120 Minutes | 70% of Score | 4 answer options

57 single-select multiple-choice

5 single-select with reading passage about a computing innovation

8 multiple-select multiple-choice: select 2 answers

Section II: Create Performance Task- Project Due Tuesday April 30, 8:59pm PST.

30% of Score

Students will develop a computer program of their choice. Students need at least 12 hours of in-class time to complete.

AP Computer Science Principles Period Information

Period 2

Period 4

Period 6

Code.org Class Code-


Code.org Class Code-


Code.org Class Code-


AP Test Class Code-


AP Test Class Code-


AP Test Class Code-


View 1st Semester Course Information and Assignments


Week 37- Final Day

Day 87- Last Day!

  • On your own or with a partner--
  • Pick two Elon Musk Invention/Busines Below
    • Optimus, X.com (PayPal), Space X, Starlink, Neuralink, Hyerloop, Zip 2, SolarCity, Blaster Video Game, The Boring Company, Grok, and/or OpenAI.
  • Create a Google Slides Show and share with Coach B
    • Each invention/business need at least 5 slides of information
    • Include the following- Images, text, video, and and Elon quote
    • Focus on the tech behind the product
    • Describe how Musk was involved in the invention/business
    • Was the invention/bisiness successful? Did it become profitable?
    • 1 Hour to complete
    • 30 Points
  • After project- You will have some free time.
  • You all ROCK! Thanks for an amazing year! Love you all, well... almost all of you!
  • Hope you have an amzing summer!!!!!!!!!




Week 36

Day 84- Monday May 20-


Day 85- Wednesday May 22

  • The Sandlot- Start Movie
  • Free Time End of Class

To prepare for the shoot, the young actors attended baseball camp, where they were “taught how to hit, catch, and throw.” This was also partly an economic decision — if the kids knew how to play baseball, fewer takes would be required. 

For the scene that inspired a generation of kids to never, ever try chewing tobacco (at least not at county fairs), the “fake dip” used in the movie was made of “licorice and bacon bits,” which was just as gross and caused most of the kids to hurl for real.

Benny’s sweet PF Flyers reportedly "stoked public interest" in the defunct sneaker brand — probably because they were said to be “guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher” — and the shoe was revived by New Balance in 2001.

Much of the movie was based on Evans’ childhood, including the mythical “Beast,” which came from a real incident involving his brother’s attempt to recover a baseball from a neighbor’s yard. But in real life, Evans’ brother didn’t befriend an elderly ex-ball player; he just “ended up getting attacked by the dog.”

Filming the scenes with the Beast sometimes required a real dog, and other times, it required two full-grown men in a giant dog costume. 

The movie ends with a flashforward to modern-day Dodger Stadium, but getting permission to shoot there was “impossible,” according to Evans. It only happened after the director of photography walked him into Dodger Stadium, breezed past security and found Lasorda sitting in his office "in his underwear," who casually agreed to let them film there. 

 The role of Mr. Mertle wasn’t explicitly written for any actor. When assistant director Bill Elvin, who had previously worked on Field of Dreams, suggested Jones, Evans responded, “Yeah, fat chance, we're never going to get James Earl Jones.”

For the dream sequence featuring Babe Ruth, the Great Bambino was played by character actor Art LaFleur… LaFleur had “dead baseball player” experience prior to The Sandlot — he was in Field of Dreamsas Chick Gandil.

The Sandlot wasn't a huge success in theaters but found its fans thanks to the booming home video market. As Evans told the L.A. Times, “The movie arrived at the right time, in technological terms, for distribution on all these new, expanding sorts of platforms.”

A guy wearing a Sandlot T-shirt ran into two of the movie’s stars, Patrick Renna and Tom Guiry, but didn’t recognize the now-adult actors, cluelessly agreeing to take a photo which, naturally, went viral. 


Day 86- Friday May 24-




Week 35

Day 82- Tuesday May 14-


  • 30 Points
  • Due at end of Class Today
  • May use your Google Slides PResentation and Your PPR Code Uploads
  • I will Grade This Weekend


Day 83- Thursday May 16- Field of Dreams

Field of Dreams is a 1989 American sports fantasy drama film written and directed by Phil Alden Robinson, based on Canadian novelist W. P. Kinsella's 1982 novel Shoeless Joe. The film stars Kevin Costner as a farmer who builds a baseball field in his cornfield that attracts the ghosts of baseball legends, including Shoeless Joe Jackson (Ray Liotta) and the Chicago Black Sox. Amy Madigan, James Earl Jones and Burt Lancaster (in his final film role) also star.

The film was released on May 5, 1989. It received generally positive reviews from critics, and was nominated for three Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Original Score and Best Adapted Screenplay. In 2017, it was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress.

Scenes of the Kinsella farm were taken on the property of Don Lansing in Dyersville, Iowa; some of the baseball field scenes were shot on the neighboring farm of Al Ameskamp. Because the shooting schedule was too short for grass to naturally grow, the experts on sod laying responsible for Dodger Stadium and the Rose Bowl were hired to create the baseball field. Part of the process involved painting the turf green.

During a lunch with the Iowa Chamber of Commerce, Robinson broached his idea of a final scene in which headlights could be seen for miles along the horizon. The Chamber folks replied that it could be done and the shooting of the final scene became a community event. The film crew was hidden on the farm to make sure the aerial shots did not reveal them. A production assistant drove from the set into town and measured the distance between, deducing it would require 1,500 cars to fill the shot. Dyersville was then blacked out and local extras drove their vehicles to the field. In order to give the illusion of movement, the drivers were instructed to continuously switch between their low and high beams.




Week 34

Day 79- Monday May 6- More PPR Fun!

  • Add to you PPR Google Slides that you have shared with me (15pts)
    • Find 6 more questions that the College Board could ask you about your PPRs and answer the questions
    • Due at the end of class today
    • Feel free to work with others and seek help


Day 80- Wednesday May 8- More PPR Fun!

  • Add to you PPR Google Slides that you have shared with me (15pts)
    • Find 4 more questions that the College Board could ask you about your PPRs and answer the questions
    • Due at the end of class today
    • Feel free to work with others and seek help


Day 81- Friday May 10- Multiple Choice Fun

Multiple Choice Practice Questions

  • Create a document you can print or write on your own paper
  • MobileCSP AP Test Practice Questions (48 Questions)
  • Record your initial answer
    • If you got the answer correct, move on
    • If you got the answer wrong, what is correct answer and why
  • You may work with others while you answer the practice questions
  • Everyone must turn-in their own answer sheet (15pts)

Other Example AP Questions by Category-




Week 33

Day 77- Tuesday April 30- Final 2 Review

  • Last Day to Upload and Hit Final Submit!!!! 8:59pm PST
  • Turn-In AP Test 1 Questions Missed
    • 20 Points
    • Due at end of class today
    • Can Work with others
    • Can be hand written or a psirnted Google Doc (Must have hard copy printed)
    • Must turn-in your own paper with your corrections on it
    • List question, then-
      • Your answer
      • Correct Answer
      • Why correct answer is correct


Day 78- Thursday May 1- PPR Fun!

Large Sweeping PPR and Multiple Choice Reviews Next Week

  • 5/6 Monday- Answer more PPR questions
  • 5/8 Wednesday- Finish PPR questions and answers
  • 5/10 Friday- Multiple Choice Review Questions
  • 5/14 Tuesday- Multiple Choice Review Questions / Non-AP Test Takers- PPR questions and Answers Test
  • 5/15- AP TEST!!!!!!!! You Got This!




Week 32

Day 74- Monday April 22- Prep PT for Upload

  • Make Sure 3 Triangles Ready for PT- 30pts
  • Turn-In AP Test 1 Questions Missed
    • 20 Points
    • Due at end of class today
    • Can Work with others
    • Can be hand written or a psirnted Google Doc (Must have hard copy printed)
    • Must turn-in your own paper with your corrections on it
    • List question, then-
      • Your answer
      • Correct Answer
      • Why correct answer is correct


Day 75- Wednesday April 24- Review

  • Final Submit- 3 Check Marks- It is Time (10pts, Due Sunday 4/28 at 7pm)
  • CAASPP Testing Day
  • Review for Final 2


Day 76- Thursday April 26- Test 2

  • Final Submit- 3 Check Marks- It is Time(10pts, Due Sunday 4/28 at 7pm)
  • Final Exam 2
  • 76 Questions
  • 50 Points
  • Can use your Google Slides Review Notes
  • Final Test 2 Grading Curve (Same as Final 1)




Week 31

Day 72- Tuesday April 16- Prep PT for Upload


The Plan for TODAY!

  • Today is your work prep day for Thursday uploading fun!
  • Please work with other students. Do things togehter. Let me know if I can help.
  • Upload of all 3 items on Thursday is worth 30pts.
  1. Make a Google Folder to Hold All Your PT Upload ITems (Code PDf, Video, PPR) Share your Google Folder with me Casey Burrill not Brady Burrill
  2. Log-Into- College Board Digital Portfolio and Look Around
    • Period 2- RGMGGP
    • Period 4- DA3EVD
    • Period 6- 4V6EXR
  3. Create Your PDF of Your Code- Place in shared folder
  4. Record Your Video- Place in shared folder
  5. Create your PPR- -Place in shared folder
  6. Thursday start of class we upload- Do NOT Upload Anything to Digital Portfolio Today


College Board Create Performance Task Official Information


Submit one PDF file that contains all of your program code (including comments). Include comments or acknowledgments for any part of the submitted program code that has been written by someone other than you and/or your collaborative partner(s).

Put your code in Google Docs- Then Export Out (save) as a PDF

In your program, you must include student-developed program code that contains the following:

  • Instructions for input from one of the following:
    • the user (including user actions that trigger events)
    • a device
    • an online data stream
    • a file
  • Use of at least one list (or other collection type) to represent a collection of data that is stored and used to manage program complexity and help fulfill the program’s purpose
  • At least one procedure that contributes to the program’s intended purpose, where you have defined:
    • the procedure’s name
    • the return type (if necessary)
    • one or more parameters
  • An algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration that is in the body of the selected procedure
  • Calls to your student-developed procedure
  • Instructions for output (tactile, audible, visual, or textual) based on input and program functionality



Submit one video file that demonstrates the running of your program as described below. Collaboration is not allowed during the development of your video.

Your video must demonstrate your program running, including:

  • Input to your program
  • At least one aspect of the functionality of your program
  • Output produced by your program

Your video may NOT contain:

  • Any distinguishing information about yourself
  • Voice narration (though text captions are allowed)

Your video must be:

  • Either .webm, .mp4, .wmv, .avi, or .mov format
  • No more than 1 minute in length
  • No more than 30MB in file size

Make the Video:



You will create a Personalized Project Reference (PPR) similar to the PPR that will be used for the end of course exam written response questions. The PPR that you assemble and upload here will be helpful in responding to the following sample written response questions.

PPR Tip Sheet

College Board PT Handout- PPR Info on Pages 4 & 5

You will create a PDF document containing screen captures of the following code segments. Screen captures should not be blurry, and text should be at least 10-pointfont size. Your code segments should not include any comments. Your PDF with all your code can have comments, but now PPR

NOTE: For the end of course exam administration, you will create your Personalized Project Reference in the AP Digital Portfolio.

Procedure: Capture and paste two program code segments you developed during the administration of this task that contain a student-developed procedure that implements an algorithm used in your program and a call to that procedure.

  • The first program code segment must be a student-developed procedure that:
    • Defines the procedure’s name and return type (if necessary)
    • Contains and uses one or more parameters that have an effect on the functionality of the procedure
    • Implements an algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and Iteration
  • The second program code segment must show where your student-developed procedure is being called in your program.

List: Capture and paste two program code segments you developed during the administration of this task that contain a list (or other collection type) being used to manage complexity in your program.

  • The first program code segment must show how data have been stored in the list.
  • The second program code segment must show the data in the same list being used, such as creating new data from the existing data or accessing multiple elements in the list, as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose.


What can you be asked on AP Exam Day via your PPR?!?!?

Purpose: Describe why your code was written. What goals were in mind? (educational, entertainment?) (Usually describes the entire program)

Functionality: Thinking of this procedure, what does it accomplish? What information is it given (when is it called, and with what input) and what does it produce (output)? What differing conditions does it handle?

Development: What was your development process, briefly? Did you collaborate, or use AI, or reflect on previous experience? What debugging was necessary? How did you accomplish it? What comments were necessary to clarify your code?

Implementation: Thinking of this procedure, how did you use iteration to accomplish your task? What selections were made with conditional statements? Describe how they were effective.

Abstraction: How is the effectiveness of your code overall affected by the use of a procedure, and with this procedure in particular?


3 Example Questions on Exam Day via PPR-

  1. Consider the code segment in part (ii) of the List section of your Personalized Project Reference that shows how your list is being used. Explain in detailed steps how this code segment works. Your explanation must be detailed enough for someone else to write the code segment.
  2. Consider the procedure identified in part (i) of the Procedure section of your Personalized Project Reference. Passing different values as arguments to a procedure can cause different segments of code to execute. Based on one of your arguments, describe where you could insert output statements in your procedure to test whether a block of code is executed or not.
  3. Consider the procedure identified in part (i) of the Procedure section of your Personalized Project Reference. Explain how your program could be written differently if one of your parameters was removed from your procedure.

Example PPR Questions and Responses


Day 73- Thursday April 18- Upload PT, Do Not Submit as Final!

  • Must have Code PDF, Video, and PPR uploaded by end of class today! (30pts)
  • Do Not Submit as Final!
  • Everyone Uploads Today
    • No AP Test Takers 50 Points Possible
      • 15pts- Code
      • 15pts- Video
      • 20pts- 3 PPR Questions
  • College Board Digital Portfolio
  • We will upload!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Code PDF
    • Video
    • PPR
    • Do Not Submit as Final!
  • AP Class Periods Codes
    • Period 2- RGMGGP
    • Period 4- DA3EVD
    • Period 6- 4V6EXR
  • Do Not Submit as Final!
  • We will submit as final next week.




Week 30

Day 69- Monday April 8

Programming Terms and Vocabulary

  • Place Following Terms in Your Google Slides Review Presenttion
    • Turtle Programming
    • Javascript
    • Psuedocode
    • Algorithm
    • Top Down Design
    • Iterate
    • Selection
    • Abstration
      • Procedural Abstraction
    • Conditionals
      • IF Statement
      • IF Else Statement
      • Loop / Iterations
      • While Loop
      • For Loop
      • Boolean
      • Logical Operators
      • Psudorandom
    • Lists / Array
    • Variable
      • Assign Operator
      • Initialize a Variable
      • String Variable
      • Number Variable
      • Concatenation
      • Local Variable
      • Global Variable
      • Expression
    • Function
      • Calling a Function
      • Function Body
      • Define a Function
      • Precondition
      • Postcondition
      • Documentation
      • Parameters
      • Argument
    • Decomposition
    • Control Structure
    • Sequencing
    • Comments
    • Pair Programming
      • Driver
      • Navigator
    • Input
    • Output
    • Arithmetic Operators
      • Comparison Operators
    • Coordinate System
    • APIs
      • UI Elements
      • UI Events
      • Event Listining
      • Concole.log
      • Canvas
      • Return Value
      • Key Event
    • Debugging
    • Event Driven Program
    • Event Handling


Day 70- Wednesday April 10- Practice Programming Test 1

  • On your own or with a partner, complete the folowing Test- 15 pts
  • When done with the Assessment, finish your Google Slides presentation
    • Google Slides Presentation needs to be completely done when you leave class today
    • I will be printing your Google Slides that you have shared with me
  • Final Exam 1 this Friday
    • 76 Questions
    • 50 Points
    • You can use your Google Presentation


Day 71- Friday April 12- Final Exam 1




Week 29

Day 67- Tuesday March 26- Unit 5 Data


Day 68- Thursday March 28- Unit 8 Cybersecurity and Global Impacts




Week 28


Interdisciplinary Generative AI Summer Program by Stanford Alumni:
Inspirit AI is a 25-hour project-based AI program taught by Stanford graduates that introduces middle and high school students to fundamental AI concepts to build interdisciplinary AI projects across disciplines. In 2024, the team is excited to announce new projects such as Generating Language Safely with ChatGPT. No CS experience is necessary to apply and priority applications are due soon.


Day 64- Monday March 18- In Class Programming Days Left = Zero Days Left!!!!!!!!


Day 65- Wednesday March 20- Digital Information Review


Day 66- Friday March 22- The Internet Review

  • We will upload PT App together in class on Thursday April 18.
  • Google Slides Presenttion Information
  • Today's topics to add to your presentation-
    • Review Unit 2- The Internet- 10pts
    • WWW, Protocols, Router, Inernet Protocol (IP), IP Addresses, ISP, IPv4, IPv6, DNS
    • DNS Spoofing, and DDoS
    • Bandwidth, Latency, and Bit Rate,
    • Internet Censorship, Net Neutrality, and Digital Divide
    • Ethernet Cable, WiFi, Fiber Optic Cable, Starlink, and Alphabet Lasers
    • IP Packets, UDP, TCP, Fault Tolerant, Reliability, Redundancy, Cheapest Route, Dense Wave Division Multiplexing
    • HTTP, HTTPS, HTML, URL, Web Browser, Server, Get Request, Post Request, Cookie, SSL & TLS, Digital Certificate
    • Layers of the Internet
    • Cyrus West Field, Tim Berners-Lee, Vint Cerf, and Bob Kahn




Week 27

Day 62- Tuesday March 12- In Class Programming Days Left = 3


Day 63- Thursday March 14- In Class Programming Days Left = 2




Week 27

Day 59- Monday March 4- In Class Programming Days Left = 6


Day 60- Wednesday March 6- In Class Programming Days Left = 5


Day 61- Friday March 8- In Class Programming Days Left = 4




Week 26

Day 57- Tuesday February 27- In Class Programming Days Left = 8

  • App Lab Sand Box
  • Don't forget to back-up your work and save in Google Drive!
  • Go get'em!!!


Day 58- Thursday February 29- In Class Programming Days Left = 7

  • App Lab Sand Box
  • Don't forget to back-up your work and save in Google Drive!
  • Go get'em!!!




Week 25

Day 55- Tuesday February 13- In Class Programming Days Left = 10

App Lab Sand Box


Day 56- Friday February 23- In Class Programming Days Left = 9

  • App Lab Sand Box
  • Don't forget to back-up your work and save in Google Drive!
  • Google Form- PT Day 2 (5pts)



Week 24

Day 53- Tuesday February 13- Unit 5 Tests

  • Unit 5 Lessons 15-17 (12 Questions), 12pts Unit 5 Assessment 4
  • End of Unit 5 Test- 21 Questions, (10pts, each question worth .5 points) Uni5 Assessment 5- Solo or Partner


Complete Google Form by End of Class Today- 5pts

Day 54- Thursday February 15- Perfromance Task Information an Prep

  • App Lab Sand Box
  • Performance Task Overview Video (5min)
  • PDF of Code
    • Goolge Docs
  • Video
  • Code Snipets- PPRs
    • What is PPR- 4 PPR Catagories- Personalized Project Reference
      • Program Design, Function, and Purpose
      • Algorithm Development
      • Errors and Testing
      • Data and Procedural Abstraction
  • The Create performance task section of the end-of-course exam consists of four prompts that require students to write responses that demonstrate understanding of their personal Create performance task. The specific prompts will vary across the different versions of the exam. Students will have access to their student-authored Personalized Project Reference, as long as it was submitted as final via the AP Digital Portfolio, when responding to these prompts.
  • Example PPR Questions and Responses
  • Official College Board Guidlines
  • Performance Task Overview
  • Sample A Performance Task
  • Sample B Performance Task
  • Human Help on Coding
  • Chat GPT and AI
  • Images and Graphics
  • Comments in your code
    • When to use comments
    • When not to use comments
  • 1 Hour to Respond to PPR Questions
  • How to submit your video, code, and PPR- AP Digital Portfolio
  • Dates-
    • Our in class deadline will be March 18 (10 Class Periods)
    • Final upload date for College Board is April 30- 8:59pm our time
    • AP Test- May 14
  • What if I did not sign-up for the AP Exam?
  • App Lab Sand Box

2023 Examples

Sample A: Video
Sample A: Written Response

Sample B: Video
Sample B: Written Response

Sample C: Video
Sample C: Written Response

Sample D: Video
Sample D: Written Response

Sample E: Video
Sample E: Written Response

Sample F: Video
Sample F: Written Response

Sample G: Video
Sample G: Written Response

Sample H: Video
Sample H: Written Response

Sample I: Video
Sample I: Written Response

Sample J: Video
Sample J: Written Response

Complete Google Form by End of Class Today- 5pts

App Lab Sand Box




Week 23

Day 50- Monday February 5- Unit 5, Lesson 14- Make Image scroller App

  • Complete Unit 5 Lesson 14 Image Scroller App- 10pts
    • I will grade Image Scroller App Tomorrow Morning 8am
    • Use an array to maintain a collection of data in a program.
    • Create apps that allow user interaction through key events.
    • Refactor code in order to appropriately incorporate new functionality while maintaining readability and consistency.
  • Vocab-
    • Key Event - in JavaScript an event triggered by pressing or releasing a key on the keyboard. For example: "keyup" and "keydown" are event types you can specify. Use event.key - from the "event" parameter of the onEvent callback function - to figure out which key was pressed.
  • Test Start of Class Wednesday Feb 7
    • 12pts
    • 12 questions
    • Unit 5 Lessons 11-14


Day 51- Wednesday February 7- Test and Unit 5 Lesson 15- Processing Arrays

  • Take Small Test- 12pts
  • Complete Unit 5 Lesson 15- Processing Arrays- 5pts
    • Activity Guide - Minimum Card Algorithm- 5pts (Solo or Partner)
    • Activity Guide - Card Search Algorithm- 5pts (Solo or Partner)
    • Use a for loop in a program to implement an algorithm that processes all elements of an array.
    • Write code that implements a linear search on an unsorted array of numbers.
    • Write code to find the minimum value in an unsorted list of numbers.
    • Explain how binary search is more efficient than linear search but can only be used on sorted lists.
  • Vocabulary-
    • for loop - A typical looping construct designed to make it easy to repeat a section of code using a counter variable. The for loop combines the creation of a variable, a boolean looping condition, and an update to the variable in one statement.


Day 52- Friday February 9- Unit 5 Lessons 16 and 17

  • Complete Unit 5 Lesson 16- 5pts
    • Activity Guide - Return Values with Go Fish- 5pts (Solo or Partner)
    • Use the return command to design functions.
    • Identify instances when a function with a return value can be used to contain frequently used computations within a program.
    • Design functions that return values to perform frequently needed computations within a program.
  • Vocab-
    • Return Value - A value sent back by a function to the place in the code where the function was called from - typically asking for value (e.g. getText(id)) or the result of a calculation or computation of some kind. Most programming languages have many built-in functions that return values, but you can also write your own.
  • Complete Unit 5 Lesson 17- 5pts
    • Complete Lesson 17 and Complete Canvas Painter App
    • Programmatically control the canvas element in response to user interactions.
    • Maintain a dynamically generated array through the running of a program in order to record and reuse user input.
    • Use nested loops within a program to repeat a command on the same array index multiple times.
    • Perform variable arithmetic within an array index to access items in an array by their relative position.
  • Vocab-
    • Canvas - a user interface element to use in HTML/JavaScript which acts as a digital canvas, allowing the programmatic drawing and manipulation of pixels, basic shapes, figures and images.
    • Key Event - in JavaScript an event triggered by pressing or releasing a key on the keyboard. For example: "keyup" and "keydown" are event types you can specify. Use event.key - from the "event" parameter of the onEvent callback function - to figure out which key was pressed.
  • Large Quiz/Small Test Tuesday next week- 13pts
    • 13 Questions
    • Unit 5 Lessons 15-17
  • Psudocode Test Thursday- 20pts
    • 20 Questions
    • All Programing Psuedocode Questions for all of Unit 5




Week 22

Day 48- Tuesday January 30- Unit 5, Lesson 9 if-else-if and conditional logic

  • Finish Unit 5 Lesson 11- While Loop
    • Sections 1-22- 5pts
    • Activity- Flowcharts with While Loops (5pts, Due Tuesday End of Class))
    • While Loop - a programming construct used to repeat a set of commands (loop) as long as (while) a boolean condition is true.
  • Finish Unit 5 Lesson 12- Loops and Simulations
    • Sections 1-12- 5pts
    • Worksheet- Flipping Coins (5pts, Due End of Class Today)
    • Models and Simulations - a program which replicates or mimics key features of a real world event in order to investigate its behavior without the cost, time, or danger of running an experiment in real life.


Day 49- Thursday February 1- Unit 5 Lesson 13, Introduction to Arrays




Week 21

Day 45- Monday January 22- Unit 5, Lesson 9 if-else-if and conditional logic


Day 46- Wednesday January 24- Finish Color Sleuth App

  • Finish Lesson 10- Build a Color Sleuth App Today!
  • 20 Question Programming Test on Friday
    • 20 points
    • Unit 5 Lessons 6-10
    • May have paper with you for the test


Day 47- Friday January 26- Unit Lessons 6-10 Test

  • Programming Test Today -20pts
    • 20 Multiple Choice questions
    • Unit 5 Lessons 6-10
    • May have paper with you for the test
  • Start Unit 5 Lesson 11- While Loop
    • Sections 1-22- 5pts
    • Activity- Flowcharts with While Loops (5pts, Due Tuesday End of Class))
    • While Loop - a programming construct used to repeat a set of commands (loop) as long as (while) a boolean condition is true.
  • Finish Unit 5 Lesson 11 & 12 Tuesday- Loops and Simulations
    • Sections 1-12- 5pts
    • Worksheet- Flipping Coins (5pts, Due End of Class Today)
    • Models and Simulations - a program which replicates or mimics key features of a real world event in order to investigate its behavior without the cost, time, or danger of running an experiment in real life.



Week 20

Day 43- Tuesday January 16- Unit 5 Lesson 6- User Input and Strings

  • User Input and strings Quiz 4pts
  • Due at end of class today-


Day 44- Thursday January 18- Unit 5 Lesson 7 & 8

  • Complete Unit 5 Lessons 7 and 8 today- 10pts
    • There are videos to watch on Lesson 8- Use headphones or closed captions
    • Please complete both Lessons today! You have a lot to do! I will check for completion Friday morning.
  • Lesson 7 & 8 Vocabulary-
    • Conditionals - Statements that only run when certain conditions are true.
    • If-Statement - The common programming structure that implements "conditional statements".
    • Selection - A generic term for a type of programming statement (usually an if-statement) that uses a Boolean condition to determine, or select, whether or not to run a certain block of statements.
    • An algorithm is a precise sequence of instructions for a process that completes a task. Algorithms can be executed by a computer and are implemented using programming languages.
    • Boolean - A single value of either TRUE or FALSE
    • Boolean Expression - in programming, an expression that evaluates to True or False.
  • Student Resources-
  • Quiz Monday on Unit 5 Lesson 7 & 8- 5pts




Week 19

Day 41- Tuesday January 9- Unit 5 Lesson 5

  • Welcome back from break!!!
  • Let's make another clicker game App for review- 20pts
    • You may work on your own, or in a pair. Pair is rocomended, but not mandatory.
    • Draw a diagram on a piece of paper showing your app screens with navigation arrows
    • Follow instructions on the Clicker Game Activity Guide HERE.
    • You may NOT use your Clicker Game App from last semester.
    • Before starting your new Clicker Game App, copy and save your code from last semester's Clicker Game App so you have it for reference.
    • Everyone must have their new Clicker Game app in your Code.org Unit 5 Lesson 5 App Lab.
    • You and your partner must evaluate another App in clsss and complete page 2 of the Activity Guide.

Day 42- Thursday January 11- Finish Clicker Game App

  • I will have a sub today, taking my father to a docotor appointment
  • I will grade tonight and tomorrow morning.
  • Due by the end of class today-
    • Clicker Game code in App Lab ready to run- 10pts (Each Studnet Must Have Code in App Lab)
    • Turn in the following paper items to substitute teacher by end of class today-
      • App Diagram drawing- 5pts (1 Drawing Per Pair)
      • Page 2 of Activity guide (Eval of another group's App)- 5pts (1 Eval Per Pair)
      • Staple the 2 pieces of paper together when you turn into the sub
      • Make sure both names are on each of your papers
  • Complete Unit 5 Lesson 6 Sections 1 thru 9- 5pts
    • Strings are a data type found inside of most programming languages. Strings are simply an arbitrary length sequence of ASCII characters. Since they can be any length and can contain all ASCII text, they are perfect for creating applications that accept and use arbitrarily typed user input.
      • Complete Sections 1-9
      • We will do Mad Libs App on Tuesday next week
      • When done, do something else quielty in class today
  • Vocab-
    • String - Any sequence of characters between quotation marks (ex: "hello", "42", "this is a string!").
    • Concatenate - to link together or join. Typically used when joining together text Strings in programming (e.g. "Hello, "+name)
  • Next Tuesday
    • Lesson 6 Quiz- 5pts
    • Make Mad Libs App




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