Famous Bravo Quotes

  • "Yeah, whatever."
  • "Enough about you, let's talk about me, Johnny Bravo."
  • "I am Johnny Bravo, the one-man army!"
  • "Wanna see me comb my hair, really fast?"
  • "Hey there smart momma, typin' recipes?"
  • "I bet your name's Mickey, 'cause you're so fine. You're so fine you..."
  • "But these letters! If Santa doesn't get these letters by tonight, I might not get all those free presents I asked for. And who ever heard of a Christmas without free stuff?"
  • "Great Scott. My pizza-sense is tingling."
  • "Do the Monkey with me"
  • "Mmm. Frosted Sugar Bits. The great taste of frosted sugar in bits."
  • "Sweet. Bring on the Danish chicks and cream soda."
  • "Now remember, I do my best work when I'm being worshiped as a god."
  • "Mama mia. That's a spicy meatball."
  • "Hey, Santa, it's me, Johnny. Remember I'm the one that beat you up last year 'cause I thought you were a burglar?"
  • "But enough about me... Let's talk about me. What do you think of me?"
  • "Hey! How come he gets a banana?"
  • "Hey Foxy Mama, You smell kinda pretty. Wanna smell me? Hoohah!"
  • "I am investigating the disappearance of all the cats in the city... my living room is full of cats... that means..." (pause) "I'm hungry!"
  • "Pops? It's me, Johnny! I couldn't find any donuts so I brought some tile grout!"
  • "You know, you'd think a person with that much hate in her heart wouldn't gravitate towards the service industry."
  • "Dog... donkey... Well, they both start with the letter "N"..."
  • "Check the pects. hoo ha hooah!"
  • "Whoa! A castle in the sky! Just like in that fairy tale of Little Red Rumplestiltskin and the Three Bears and Gretel!"
  • "Whaddaya mean? I got the hamster wheel and the hamster food dispenser. (looks in the mirror) Oh no! She's turnin' me into a beautiful butterfly!"
  • "Mister, I don't think you realize who you're talking to. I'm Johnny Bravo, the one-man army!"
  • "Wanna watch my chest hair move in slow motion?"
  • "Man, I'm pretty."
  • "Whoa, Mama!"
  • "This won't end well." (whenever Johnny is about to take a beating)
  • "You know, that just might be crazy enough to work."
  • "If loving me is wrong, you don't wanna be right!"
  • (Looks in mirror)"Wait, who's that handsome guy?" (Dials phone) "Hello, 911 emergency? There's a handsome guy in my house" Oh, wait, cancel that. It's only me."
  • "Hey baby, can I be your natural selection?"
  • "This is not good... for my hair!"
  • (whenever someone corrects him) "Right, what did I say?"
  • "Aaaah. The great smell of pig!"
  • "No Mama! I'm too old for the tiny pants!!"
  • "Work?! (Screams in horror)"
  • "(After a random story) And then my pants fell down."
  • "I came, I saw, I broke a hip."
  • "I may be late honey, but I'm looking good."
  • "He did it!"
  • "Wiggy!"
  • "4%? That's almost 5%"
  • "20,000$? That`s almost 20,000$!"
  • "Space. It's really, really, really, really big."
  • "If all you boys and girls will clap real hard, Johnny can make bail! Get me the Lawyer Fairy!"
  • "Oh yeah! Who's the fairy, who's the fairy?! (Dances then quickly stops) You didn't see that, did you?"
  • "Bad baby! Stop defying the laws of physics!"
  • "Neighbor kid help! Witch's curse shrank me! Cops chasing me! I live with my mom! NO MOTIVATING GOALS!!!"
  • "Some people look at Jerky an say,"Why?". Me, I look at Jerky and I say "Mmmmmmmm! Jerky!"
  • "Jinkies? Isn't that a breakfast cereal?"
  • "You know, that reminds me of a funny story. I was washing my head in the toilet the other day, when-- (After some time) So when the battery ran out, I realized I had my underwear over my head, the whole time! (Laughs) "
  • (Johnny and Carl crash on a seemingly deserted island and were separated) "Guess Carl didn't make it. I'll miss the little fella. (short pause) Oh, well. Can't mourn forever!"
  • "Four feet good! Two feet bad!"
  • "It's a beautiful day. But not as beautiful as me."
  • "(to Talky Tabitha) Now listen Raggedy Evil! You better stop..(Talky Tabitha throws Johnny against the wall)
  • "The Beach is that way." (Holds up arm and points to show off his muscles)
  • "This is gettin' really old really fast."
  • "Hey babearilla, that a pretty eensie-weensie, teeny-weenie polka-dot thingy you got going there."
  • [eating ice cream with a toothache] "Chomp, chomp, chomp, AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY TOOTH! THE PAIN! THE HORRIBLE PAIN! Mmmmmmmm, creamy! Chomp, Chomp, Chomp, AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! THE STABBING KNIVES OF PAIN! Hey! It's got nuts in it!"
  • "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!! MONSTERS FROM THE ID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"